Cancelation Policy for 12 Month VIP and Basic Contract Members
Signing up for a 12 Month Membership Contract is extremely profitable. The membership is reduced to $44 a month instead of $60 for Basic and $64 a month instead of the usual $75 a month for VIP when using EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer). Saving you up to $100 a year!
To allow these larger savings our cancelation policy is as follows: You have 7 days to cancel your contract if you change your mind.
You may Upgrade or Downgrade your membership at any time. Basic to VIP or VIP to Basic while staying within your 12 month contract.
To cancel your membership completely while you are still within your 12 month contract. You must pay either the remaining balance of your contract or 3 months. Must be present to fill out a Cancelation Form with your physical signature. If you are not able to be present and do not have email, please send a letter to World Gym Kalispell and with the following information:
World Gym Kalispell Cancelation 555 Swift Creek WayKalisbell, MT 59901
● First and Last name
● Current Address
● Phone Number
● Reason for leaving
● Signature - Extremely important. If the letter is not signed I cannot process your cancellation.
If you are unable to be present or write a signed letter please contact: Leila HoernerOperations Supervisor(406) 407-7372
Canceling Corporate Memberships:
To cancel your corporate membership you need 31 days notice and a signed cancellation form.
Freezing your account:
World Gym may freeze your account for up to 3 months in total. We are unable to freeze weeks at a time. The time frozen will then roll over at the end of your contract to complete a 12 month cycle
All of us here at World Gym value our members and take pride in everyone's success! Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.